Frequently Asked Questions

PTFB Pro is too slow / takes too much cpu time

If PTFB Pro is taking too long to react to a target:
  • First open up the target's Properties and switch to the Triggers page. Check the initial delay; if it's higher than you'd like, reduce it. You can take the delay all the way down to zero, but note that on Windows 7 and Vista, a delay of 1/10 sec is often preferable. This is because these operating systems have a more involved animation for windows that are opening or being restored and it sometimes gets in the way of PTFB Pro's activities. For more details see 'Tweaking the Settings' in the PTFB Pro online help.
  • Check the Notification page of the target's Properties to see if a screenshot is being taken, either for logging or for email. If so, PTFB Pro will delay any action in order to take the screenshot. The screenshot facility is really intended for use when you'll be away from your computer.
  • Try a faster response speed in the General page of the PTFB Pro Configuration property sheet.
If PTFB Pro is taking too much CPU time, there are several things to try:
  • Disable or delete any target entries you no longer need. The more targets PTFB Pro has to check, the more work it has to do.
  • If "Defeat Icon Hiding" is enabled in the General page of the PTFB Pro Configuration property sheet, disable it and use the taskbar properties to tell XP not to hide PTFB Pro's tray icon instead.
  • Turn off logging, screenshots, commands and email notifications for your targets if you don't really need them.
  • Reduce the response speed in the General page of the PTFB Pro Configuration property sheet

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Last Updated 8 years ago

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  • PTFB Pro